Flying over Greenland

Location: Greenland
Date: January 2003
Duration: A few hours
Distance: 40000 feet of altitude
Transportation: commercial airliner
Viewed: 8220 times
Comments: 0
Flying on board a Boeing 747-400 from London to San Francisco, sleeping was not easy as the scenery below us was just amazing.

I had a window seat on the the starboard side of the plane, just behind the wing.
At that time during the flight, passengers are asked to close their porthole blinds to let everybody sleep, making it uneasy to enjoy to show and make pictures.

The starboard side of the plane is oriented to the north that is almost entirely dark in January.
East coast of the south of Greenland
East coast of the south of Greenland
Experimenting a different framing 
 limited by the small size of the porthole
Experimenting a different framing
limited by the small size of the porthole

The ocean was already frozen. Later, after leaving the west coast of Greenland the ice was entirely connecting Greenland to Canada.
Looking towards northwest above the wing 
 The framing shows way too much sky 
 because I cropped the photo where the wing was visible
Looking towards northwest above the wing
The framing shows way too much sky
because I cropped the photo where the wing was visible

The long projected shadows show that the sun is very low on the horizon.

A giant strech of ice was connecting Greenland's west coast to Canada.
From time to time the ice floe was broken into pieces, most likely because of the force of the currents that were tearing apart the frozen surface.
Leaving Greenland to Canada
Leaving Greenland to Canada

Looking from time to time through the window of an unused seat on the port side of the plane, I could enjoy the endless sunset.
The sun remained stable just above the horizon for many hours.
Thre never ending sunset 
 Viewed threw a porhole located on the port side of the aircraft
Thre never ending sunset
Viewed threw a porhole located on the port side of the aircraft


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