Lightning Storm, Switzerland

Location: Switzerland
Date: August 2011-2012
Viewed: 13940 times
One can spend a decade in San Francisco and during that time, witness only a couple of thunderstorms.
Switzerland is a different story with its alternance of storms and clear blue skies. These photos were shot in August 2011 near Bern. Pausing for 30 seconds and rondomly aiming at the sky was all it took to capture these shots.

Thunderstorm above Bern 
 August 2011 
 f8.0, 30 seconds 
 ISO 500
Thunderstorm above Bern
August 2011
f8.0, 30 seconds
ISO 500
Thunderstorm above the Jungfrau region 
 August 2012
Thunderstorm above the Jungfrau region
August 2012

The animated version shot a moment later
The whole cloud was constantly flickering like a massive
defective lightbulb about to burst at any second.

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